How does CBD help with insomnia
First, let’s try to determine what insomnia actually is.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that manifests itself in the form of difficulties falling asleep or having your night sleep interrupted often during the night. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, etc.
There are several types of insomnia depending on the duration
Acute or short-term insomnia happens as a result of certain life circumstances or stressful situations and manifest itself in short-term sleep disruptions. Most of the time, these disappear on their own and do not require treatment.
Chronic insomnia, however, is a lot more difficult to cure as it is a more serious type of insomnia manifesting itself several times a week or even every night. Chronic insomnia occurs when sleep problems persist at least three consecutive months.
There are several causes for chronic insomnia. It can be caused by changes in the environment, working in shifts, various diseases, or sometimes even as a side effect from using certain drugs and medication. Chronic insomnia can lead to serious physical and psychological problems, so it is extremely important that you start treatment at first signs.
Causes for insomnia
Depending on the cause, there are two types of insomnia: primary and secondary.
The causes for primary insomnia are not tied to a medical condition, but the circumstances, such as stress, noise, traumatic events, night shifts or other circumstances. Primary insomnia may also be caused by eating heavy foods right before bedtime or general poor sleep hygiene.
With secondary insomnia, the main cause is usually a condition such as asthma, depression, cancer, etc. or side effects from using certain medication. Secondary insomnia may also occur as a result of excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption.
Insomnia often occurs with at a higher age, particularly in women. In older people, sleep problems may be caused by various conditions, medication, reduced physical activity and hormonal changes. However, it should be noted that older people need 7-8 hours of sleep per night, which is another reason why treating insomnia should start at the earliest signs.
Symptoms of insomnia: can you relate to any of them?
A good night’s sleep is extremely important for the regeneration of the brain and the whole body. Our sleep affects our mood, willingness, concentration and general physical and mental well-being. Insomnia can affect not only our health, but also the overall quality of our lives.
Insomnia does not just mean that you cannot fall asleep or are staying up through the night. It can also manifest itself in other forms, such as:
Waking up in the middle of the night
Repeated sleep interruptions
Waking up too early
How can you know if your body is not well-rested and which signs indicate sleep difficulties?
Fatigue after getting up in the morning or throughout the day
Irritability, anxiety or depression
Difficulty concentrating
Memory impairment
Continuing concerns about sleep
The consequences of insomnia
As we have seen, sleep greatly affects the overall quality of our lives. Due to sleep deprivation, various conditions may occur which affect our well-being:
Poor performance at work or school
Slow reaction time while driving and, consequently, increased risk of accidents
Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, irritability and others
Increased risk of heart disease or high blood pressure
How can we avoid insomnia?
Even though we have to look out for signs of insomnia and look for professional medical advice in case of longterm sleep difficulties, we can take some measures at the earliest signs to prevent further difficulties.
Here’s some general guidelines that you can use to improve your sleep quality:
1.) Stick to a sleeping schedule. Having a sleeping schedule is extremely important as your body functions as a program that signals the body when it is time to sleep and when to wake up. If you go to bed or wake up at different times, your body cannot maintain a natural biorhythm, which can dramatically affect the quality of sleep.
2.) Be active. Physical activity increases blood flow, improves body and brain functions and reduces anxiety and depression that can occur as a result of insomnia. Physical exercise is proven to improve sleep quality and reduce sleepiness during the day.
3.) Avoid afternoon naps. One of the consequences of insomnia is excessive tiredness during the day. However, afternoon naps disrupt our sleep rhythm and because of that, our body does not feel tired in the evening which makes the insomnia even worse. Therefore, try your best to avoid afternoon naps to make sure that your body will feel tired before going to bed.
4.) Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol and smoking (nicotine). All these substances strongly activate our nervous system and, consequently, cause sleep problems. If you suffer from insomnia we recommend reducing the consumption of those substances to a minimum or avoid them completely.
5.) Use your bedroom just for sleeping. Our brains associate different places and objects with different activities. It is therefore important that our brains learn that the bed and bedroom are only intended for sleeping and no other activities. Your bed and bedroom cannot be used as an office and desk as well. When you lie down, the brain will automatically know that it’s time to go to sleep and send a signal to your body to relax and prepare for sleep.
6.) Avoid stimulating activities before bedtime. The body should be prepared to go to bed even before you lie down. Looking at your phone or computer screen should be particularly avoided; instead, prepare a warm bath and listen to soothing music or read.
Insomnia and CBD
CBD is one of the most effective natural remedies to alleviate a variety of physical and mental symptoms. There are several causes for insomnia, however, several studies have shown that CBD has an extremely positive effect on relieving the symptoms that cause sleep disturbances.
Many studies have shown that CBD has a positive impact on various bodily functions such as mood, appetite, sleep, and others. CBD directly affects the endocannabinoid system in our body, which is intertwined with CB receptors. The CBD binding to these receptors has different effects on our body. Some scientists also believe that CBD may also affect specific receptors that regulate our sleep cycle.
Insomnia can be caused by psychological or physical causes. Depression, anxiety and stress are among the most common psychological causes. CBD has often proved to be an effective means of alleviating these mental conditions, as one if tis primary effects is the ability to calm the nervous system. CBD helps calm hyperactive nerve endings, which greatly alleviates anxiety and stress.
Causes of insomnia can also be physical like chronic pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD helps relieve chronic pain and thus improves the quality of sleep for all those with sleeping disorders.
CBD also helps relieve the symptoms of many other conditions that may be causing difficulties with sleeping. Among other things, it is used for alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, stress, depression and other conditions leading to insomnia.
How did CBD help Barbara overcome insomnia?
Barbara, one of regular users of CBD, told us how she managed to improve her sleep quality with the help of CBD.
Barbara has long suffered from insomnia and it all got even worse when she entered menopause. Her hormones went crazy which had such a strong impact on her sleep she would sometimes stay awake all through the night! Exhausted and tired of this endless cycle of insomnia, she decided to take matters into her own hands.
“Chronic insomnia is an extremely persistent disorder that affects your core psyche. People with no sleeping issues cannot fully understand how a bad night’s sleep can so drastically affect your quality of life, ” explained Barbara. “I’ve had sleep problems since my early twenties, but when I entered menopause, it became unbearable.”
Barbara tried every method and natural remedy to combat insomnia. “But nothing worked as well as CBD” is convinced Barbara. “I started taking 18 % CBD resin just before bedtime. My condition improved significantly in the first month! I also followed guidelines regarding sleep hygiene and I am excited to say that my sleep has stabilized. ”
Many people are faced with similar problems as Barbara. Are you one of them?
We hope that our tips can help you improve your sleep and general wellbeing.